Friday, July 2, 2010


                                                                     Everywhere in this universe, in one respect man’s condition is the same. No matter how vastly different he may be in the outer appearance of his life, different countries, different races, different cultures, different languages, different ways of living, eating, dressing, etc., he may be completely different in all of these aspects, but there is one thing that is the same to all human individuals. And it is this factor that binds them into a global unity. If analyzed, it will be discovered that all humanity is engaged ceaselessly, day after day, from the cradle to the grave, only in trying to avoid painful experiences and in trying to attain that which gives them happiness. 

                                                                       let me ask you this one very important question. Since the time of creation, is there one single individual who has been born onto this earth who can stand up boldly and declare, “In my life I have never experienced any sorrow or pain or suffering whatsoever. My whole life has been a life full of joy, full of happiness, full of bliss”. You will find that there is not even one single individual on earth who has not had at some time or another some type of pain or suffering or grief or sorrow. 

This is a world of pain and sorrow. With a few minutes thoughtful reflection you will see that this is so. Many painful experiences are brought about by natural forces beyond our control—floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, cyclones, fires, famines. Then there is suffering brought about by other forms of life—germs, microbes, bacteria, viruses, insects, reptiles, animals. But by far the greatest source of suffering is caused by man himself. It is suffering that is self-created, that arises within our own psychological self due to desire and attachment for worldly objects—love and hate, anger and passion, fear, worry, tension, anxiety, jealousy, envy, greed, frustration, disappointment, disillusionment, the sorrow of separation, bereavement, and all other varieties of restlessness of mind due to our multitude of desires. 

                                                                    Everyone thinks happiness is to be found in objects and experiences. Everyone thinks, “If I could only attain certain objects, if I could only possess them, if I could experience them, I will get happiness.” In spite of countless disappointments and disillusionments, man never learns. There is not an iota of happiness in earthly objects. No object is perfect. They do not have in them the power or ability to give you lasting happiness or joy because they are finite and they are imperfect. Otherwise, they must be able to give a homogeneous state of happiness to all beings at all times under all conditions. But what do you actually see?

                                                                      If you like milk and you take a glass full of sweetened milk flavored with spices, the first glass may give you satisfaction. And if you are pressed upon to take another glass, the second glass may give satisfaction, but it is not the same degree of happiness or pleasure as was the first glass. And if your stomach is already full with two glasses of milk, if you try to take a third glass of milk, it becomes unpleasant, it becomes undesirable. And if it is forced upon you, a fourth glass of milk produces nausea and you will have to throw it up. Where then is real happiness?
If milk had in it the power of giving happiness, it must be able to grant you this happiness at all times, under all conditions. It cannot change its nature. Such examples show that all experiences derived from the contact of senses with their respective sense-objects ultimately are experiences that end in disappointment.
Therefore, the great world teacher, Lord Krishna had this very important insight to impart to us when he said: “O Arjuna, all these experiences brought about by the contact of one or other of the five senses with their respective sense objects, these experiences are ultimately the source of sorrow. There is no real happiness in these sense contacts and sense experiences. They are but mere momentary sensations.

                                                                       A wise person realizing the real nature of earthly objects, that they are impermanent, fleeting, empty of content, that they cannot give happiness, such a person never stoops to reveling in these petty objects of this materialistic world.

                                                                      Yet lasting happiness must lie somewhere, otherwise the Creator would not have put this inner urge within each human soul. Somewhere there must be a source of eternal and unchanging happiness attaining which all desires become at once totally fulfilled. Is there an experience, which grants at once total satisfaction and eternal bliss, which takes one forever beyond all sorrow, pain and suffering? This is an important question. It was to the resolution of this riddle of life that the ancient sages and seers of India devoted their entire lives. Relentlessly they pursued this quest until they ultimately achieved an experience of inexpressible joy that took them forever beyond all sorrow, pain and suffering. 

                                                                         These sages, being filled with universal love for all beings, did not want to keep this experience to themselves. Therefore, they declared to all: “O mortals, striving and struggling upon this earth plane, weeping, wailing, buffeted by the vicissitudes of life here, we have come upon a great discovery. There is something beyond these appearances, these vanishing names and forms that go to make up this universe. There is something beyond which forms the very source and support of all these objects of the phenomenal world. Why do you search in vain for happiness outside. Come, come, happiness resides within. Stop your wanderings amidst this desert of empty earthly objects, amidst this jungle of sensuality, and turn your gaze within. Dive within. Happiness is within. God is within you. Meditate upon the Reality within.”

(From words of swami chidananda and Hindusim)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Give Your Hundred percentage in every realtionships, else you ill always keep doubting on other person.,Read this small picture story

U cant read from the picture ?..then..
A boy and girl were playing together.The boy had a collection of marbles.The girl had some sweets with her.The boy told the girl that he will give her all marbles in exchange for her sweets.The girl agreed.
The boy kept the biggest and most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl.The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.That night, the girl slept peacefully.But the boy coudnt sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hiddedn his best marble

Moral of the story
: "If you dont give your hundred percent in a relationship,you ill always keep doubting whether the other person has given his/her hundred percent.This is applicable to any relationships like love, friendship, family life etc.So give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully"

Saturday, January 16, 2010

3. Whether god exists >?

Its a difficult question in all times....
I will tell you a story.After reading this u decide

This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and
suffering that I have seen...

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.
They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said:
"I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go
out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist.
Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children?
If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain.
I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he
didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with
long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.
He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the
barber shop again and he said to the barber:

"You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber.
"I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because

if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and
untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me."
"Exactly!" affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist!
That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him
for help.

That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.

2. Chanakya quotes about Human character......Controversial..butt i agree some points .whether you ? ! !

These are some of the famous quotes from chanakya.I disagree to majority of his thoughts, But i agree to few of his thoughts..whether you ?

1. "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and
Honest people are screwed first."

2. " Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."
3. "The biggest guru-mantra is: Never share your secrets with anybody. ! It will destroy you."
4. "There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no Friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth."

5. "As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

6. "Whore s don't live in company of idiot men, citizens never support a weak company and birds don't build nests on a tree that doesn't bear fruits."

7. "God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."
8. "A man is great by deeds, not by birth."
9. "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness."

Now tell what you feel about these quotes ?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I always wonder about how this phenomenon works in life.But i concluded that

"Happines is not in our circumstance but in ourselves. It is not somethng we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. Happines is something We are.For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don't enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are that you're not going to be very happy. If someone bases his happines or unhappines on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a pleasure trip, that person isn't going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happines depends on a gud breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness. "